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Visual Assist 有很多能够提高开发人员工作效率的功能

这些功能非常出色。 凭借 Visual Assist 的众多功能,几乎可以改进您拥有的每一个Microsoft IDE。

Fully functional for 30 days



使用全新导航功能,您可以将代码轻松移动到项目和解决方案中的任何文件、方法、符号或引用。 从任意位置导航到任意位置。



降低代码的复杂度,提高代码的可读性,并且在不改变外部行为的前提下对代码进行重构。 重构遗留代码、继承代码或您自己编写的第一个版本。

Code Generation


生成代码的速度超乎想象——即使只使用 Visual Assist 的部分功能。 当您熟练掌握操作流程时,编写和更新代码的速度会更快。

Coding Assistance


在不妨碍您的前提下,协助您更快地编写代码,尤其在您工作状态良好时。 Visual Assist 可以提醒并自动修正严重的输入错误。

Code Understanding



Code Correction


请注意,Visual Assist 会在您出错时更正错误,特别是符号和指针表示错误。 完全用小写字母输入,并注意观察 Visual Assist 更正所有符号的大小写。 可保存自定义的切换键。

Code Inspection


在编辑代码时检查代码是否存在质量问题。 Visual Assist 的 Code Inspection(代码审查)功能基于LLVM/Clang,用于诊断和修正典型的编程错误,如样式冲突、接口误用以及可以通过静态分析推断出的错误。

Code Snippets


使用 IDE 中具有相同功能的更强大版本扩展频繁键入的代码片段。 包括来自当前上下文的符号,提示用户输入,以及在自定义编辑器中编辑代码片段。

Debug Assistance


使用 Visual Assist 附带的 VA Memory View(VA 内存视图)和 VA Step Filter(VA 步骤筛选器)来缩短调试本地 C/C++ 所需的时间。

Tool Windows


在 30,000 英尺的高度查看代码,并重新整理代码,使其更容易理解和维护。 Visual Assist 中的工具窗口为 IDE 提供了全新的功能,并将常用的内置功能整合到更高效的工具窗口中。

Source Links


将注释子字符串连接到外部应用程序和网站,如 bug 追踪器、案例管理器、文档以及源代码控制系统。



调整 Visual Assist 中的众多功能,以适应您的编程环境和习惯。

Navigate quickly with Find References that's faster, more useful, and available for more symbols.

Navigate quickly with Find References that's faster, more useful, and available for more symbols.

Refactor with Change Signature to reorder, rename, add, and delete parameters.

Refactor code easily with essential commands such as Change Signature.

Generate code in top-down style with Create From Usage that creates enums, variables, and methods.

Generate code in top-down style with Create From Usage that creates enums, variables, and methods.

Crank out code with assistance that's smart enough to offer suggestions before you type.

Crank out code with assistance that's smart enough to offer suggestions before you type.

Understand code with color

Understand code faster with meaningful use of color, italics, and bold.

Correct spelling errors in strings and comments, as you type or in batch mode.

Correct spelling errors in strings and comments, as you type or in batch mode.

Edit powerful Code Snippets in a custom editor, including snippets to format the output of refactoring and code generation.

Edit powerful Code Snippets in a custom editor, including snippets to format the output of refactoring and code generation.

Debug native C/C++ in less time

Debug native C/C++ faster with filters that cause the debugger to step over select methods in argument lists.

Rely on new tool windows that provide code outlines, lists of recent modifications, and header hierarchies.

Rely on new tool windows that provide code outlines, lists of recent modifications, and header hierarchies.

Configure your favorite features in Visual Assist to suit your programming environment and habits.

Configure your favorite features in Visual Assist to suit your programming environment and habits.