Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2341 is available

The steady stream of functional and quality improvements to Visual Assist continues despite the recent hiccups with new purchasing and licensing systems. (Those systems are being ironed out.) Visual Assist build 2341 improves one of its earliest features—enhanced syntax coloring—with the ability to set separate coloring for namespace identifiers and qualifiers, and enum members.
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Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2331 is available

Extensibility has long been a strength of Microsoft Visual Studio, but extending the IDE too greatly can impede its startup. Thus, many developers are familiar with Visual Studio’s yellow status message that suggests an extension is likely causing slow startup. To…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist builds 2316 and 2318 are available

For those experimenting with Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, you will be pleased to know that support for Visual Assist in the preview releases of the new IDE is underway. The two builds of Visual Assist, builds 2316 and 2318, were introduced in short succession to support the first two previews builds of the new IDE. Both builds install to all previews of the IDE, including to Preview 3…
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Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2302 is available

Honestly, the title of this post should be “Visual Assist build 2302 has been available for a long time”. I have been lax in writing. Fortunately, if you enable notifications of new builds in the options dialog of Visual Assist, you would have discovered build…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2291 is available

Visual Assist build 2291 is a minor release that fine tunes several, well-loved features–ones that seem never to be finished. Find References (Shift+Alt+F) in Visual Assist is the big brother of the like-named command in Visual Studio. (At one time, Visual Assist provided…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2283.2 is available

We strive to release only high-quality builds of Visual Assist, but this latest round required a few attempts to get right. Fortunately, build 2283.2 is worth the wait. It has several, oft-requested improvements. The dialog for Open File in Solution (Shift+Alt+O), improved just a few months ago, now includes a second edit field that lets you define persistent filters—ones active for all…
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Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2270 is available

Exhibiting at the Game Developer Conference (GDC) in March gave us the rare opportunity to interact—face to face—with a lot of Visual Assist users. Those who visited our booth picked up tips and swag, and left behind terrific feedback. The interactions gave us a better…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2258 is available

Visual Assist build 2258 is the first of the new calendar year and evidence of a return to normalcy at Whole Tomato. Last year’s dealing with bugs in the Fall Creators Update was an unwelcome distraction. Long-time users of Visual Assist know that Open File in Solution…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2248 is available

Visual Assist build 2248 closes our dealing with recent bugs in Windows 10 and a problem with Visual Studio 2017. Prior posts in this blog describe the bugs and the workarounds, but the outcome of the ordeal is that if you use Windows 10—version 1703 or 1709—update to the latest build from Microsoft. And if you use Visual Studio 2017, update to build 15.5 of the IDE. Visual Assist operates as…
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