Build Announcements

Visual Assist 2022.2 is here

Visual Assist 2022.2 has just been released! We have a well-rounded update this time— a number of new features as well as some much needed fixes. Unreal Engine 5 Support The biggest announcement in this release is the the start of official regression and other testing related to Unreal Engine 5. This also comes with some modifications to the IDE UI to make it apparent that our…
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Build Announcements

Visual Assist 2022.1 has arrived

It’s a new year for Visual Assist! This was slightly earlier than expected, but in the interest of making sure that updates and fixes get to you as quickly as possible, we’ve decided on an early release! You can download the latest version of VAX here. New…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist Build 2393 is Here!

We’re really making an effort to keep blogs more instructional or industry related, but man o’ man is this release worth a few lines. Our team has been working behind the scenes for much of the year on performance improvements. And sure, we could’ve just done a few things here and there over time to make it feel like we were consistently improving (which we are), but with this…
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Build Announcements

Visual Assist Build 2375

NEW Added Code Inspection for modernize-deprecrated-headers clang checker. Some headers from C library were deprecated in C++ and are no longer welcome in C++ codebases. This check replaces C standard library headers with their C++ alternatives and removes redundant…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist Build 2366 is Available!

Build 2366 is all about keeping the lights on and letting you code faster and more effectively. While the release includes tons of bug fixes, you’ll find that we’ve added a few new items as well. In keeping with the latest and greatest, we’ve updated to…
Build AnnouncementsTips and Tricks

Visual Assist build 2358 is available!

New Year, New Build! Welcome to 2020 and 2358. This release was driven largely to fix an issue with our licensing server and some corruption that may have been experienced by Unity users, but why stop there? NEW Added C++ modernization refactoring: Convert Unscoped Enum to Scoped Enum (execute on the enum definition). See the documentation. NEW Goto Related now allows…
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Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2353 is available

This release represents a turning point for our development team. We’ve made great strides in fixing bugs associated with Visual Studio 2019 and have focused our attention on the future. A major lift in this release was our move to Clang 9. Future releases will leverage…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2341 is available

The steady stream of functional and quality improvements to Visual Assist continues despite the recent hiccups with new purchasing and licensing systems. (Those systems are being ironed out.) Visual Assist build 2341 improves one of its earliest features—enhanced syntax coloring—with the ability to set separate coloring for namespace identifiers and qualifiers, and enum members.
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