
Compatibility of Visual Assist with Releases of an IDE

A few days ago, Microsoft announced the release candidate (RC) of Visual Studio 2015 Update 2. If you are a user of Visual Assist in this newest Microsoft IDE, any build of Visual Assist beginning with 2073 should work for you. I write “should” because builds of Visual Assist made before the RC, for obvious reasons, have not been tested against the RC. (We can’t test what we…
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Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2089 is available

Visual Assist build 2089 is primarily a bug-fix build. You can install the build without setting aside time to learn any new functionality in Visual Assist. If you write C#, you will notice a subtle addition to the Encapsulate Field dialog—the ability to designate a…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2086 is available

Visual Assist build 2086 arrives less than a month after build 2083, in time for the holidays. If all goes well, this will be our last build of 2015. The most noteworthy change in build 2086 is a reorganized options dialog. The mechanics of the dialog haven’t changed…
Tips and Tricks

Filter using logical "or"

Many of the dialogs and drop-downs of Visual Assist allow efficient lookups via filtering. For example, filtering within Open File in Solution—a dialog with all files in a solution—lets one find a file quickly if only portions of a name are known. This means one can find veryLongFilenameInProjectTomato.cpp if he knows only “long” and “toma”. Filtering takes…
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Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2083 is available

Visual Assist build 2083 continues our steady stream of improvements. Two enhancements in build 2083 are worth calling out. C# users of Visual Studio 2015 will be pleased to know Enhanced Listboxes are now available in their environment. This completes our support for C# in…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2076 is available

On the heels of one bug-fix build, we announce another to address a few issues. Visual Assist build 2076 includes three bug fixes and addresses a large-solution performance problem introduced after build 2068. If you have build 2068 or older, update to build 2076 to get the…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2074 is available

Visual Assist build 2074 fixes two bugs, critical for some users, discovered shortly after the release of build 2073. One fix resolves a conflict with Windows Driver Kit (WDK) 10 that prevented files from being added to solutions. The second fix lets Visual Assist recognize extension-less headers in UNC paths, e.g. \\server\path\path\header. Build 2074 is required if you have Windows Driver Kit…
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Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2073 is available

Visual Assist build 2073 introduces several new commands and features to make you more productive. But, now that the list of features in Visual Assist has grown to nearly a hundred, you will be pleased to know one new feature in build 2073 gives you easier access to the…

A Developer of Visual Assist Saves Energy

I am a long-time member of the development team for Visual Assist. I also read a lot, often about the workings of the brain. I read recently Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. The author divides thinking methods into fast and slow. Fast is automatic; slow requires…

Visual Assist and Visual Studio 2015 RTM

Microsoft released Visual Studio 2015 RTM this week. Visual Assist build 2068–the most recent build–supports the new IDE but not yet at release quality. There are a few known issues that will be resolved in our forthcoming builds: Enhanced listboxes–the ones with colored content and filtering toolbar–are available in C/C++ only. They are not yet available in C#. Not all internal quality…
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